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Showing posts from February, 2025

Spring WILL Come!

 When the days seem oh, so dark and dreary And it's difficult to not feel old and weary When the daylight seems at best so bleary And the short, dark days have you feeling teary Remember Spring will come soon, deary And make us all feel oh, so cheery!

The Custodian

  One of my favourite morning routines is watering the potted plants and filling up the bird bath. As I do so, I stare in wonder and awe at all the trees, shrubs, plants and flowers that have taken up residence at our house. Most we have planted, replacing dead ones, and creating new spaces. Others have mysteriously, miraculously appeared on their own; no doubt the result of a bird or squirrel or chipmunk unknowingly depositing the seeds of flowers and trees. There is a new Rose of Sharon along the side of the house now, a new cedar at the edge of the back deck, and a couple of lilac bushes too that are pure happenstance. Numerous Blanket Flowers have found their way into our perennial gardens too, along with Black Eyed Susans and White Daisies; none planted or planned by us, purely Mother Nature doing her thing. And if these plants bring along a flower or two, they can stay. And as I marvel at these new entities appearing each year, I humbly realize I am only their...