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The Little Grey Cloud

 Have you ever noticed how some people seem to have all the bad luck in the world?

If they didn't have bad luck, they'd have no luck at all?

There always seems to be a little grey cloud looming above them.

Just as Pigpen, of the Charlie Brown stories, has a little cloud above him, so do some people.

And it seems as if the bad luck perpetuates itself into more bad luck.

And just like the chicken and the egg, I am not sure which come first.

Do bad choices create a little grey cloud that follows them wherever they go?

Do they have a perpetual bad luck angel on their shoulder?

Has their guardian angel given up?

It seems some folks just can't catch a break.

I have seen it first hand among family and friends.

One problem seems to follow another, on a continual, spiraling basis.

Along with that I also see negativity, drama, and chaos.

Do they all go hand in hand?

I believe that they do.

I do believe that whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you are probably right.

If there is an expectation that something will go wrong, it most definitely will.

Call it mind over matter.  Call it manifestation.  Whatever.

I am a firm believer that we attract what we project.  Get what we give.

And if we give the universe the opportunity to play out negatively, it will.

Given the chance to have a series of unfortunate events play out, they will.

Are we born that way?  I don't know.

I don't think so.

I think we are all born with so much hope and positivity, as we are new to this world and all of its abundance.

But I think external forces, our parents, our homes, our upbringing, our schooling, our friends, all can have an impact on when or where that little grey cloud comes into view.

And once it is there, it is hard to get rid of.

That little grey cloud thrives on negative energy, doubt, chaos.

For example, I believe if we don't make our beds in the morning, we open the door a smidge to that little grey cloud.

If we don't clean our dishes after we make a meal, the door opens a smidgen more.

If we make bad choices throughout the day, the door opens even wider.

And perhaps it is something innate in some people, that no matter how much positivity they are surrounded by, there is something in their DNA that makes it so unbearable to be positive and happy that they choose negativity and unhappiness instead.

It gives them something to talk about.  To complain about.  To brood over.  To engage others with and bring them down too.  They say misery loves company.  And it sure does.  

The fact that social media sites perpetuating negativity are more popular and more viewed than positive sites says a lot about our humanity and who we are as a species.

What is it about some of us that needs that drama?  That chaos?  That stress?  

I have taken to distancing myself from any and all people that choose to walk that path.  Those who shun the abundance of positivity and take the dark, negative path instead.  They are too toxic.  I will not be drawn into that game.

If someone so much as utters a possible outcome that is negative, or doubtful, I ignore it.

I do not even give it it the honour of being a possibility.  A thought.  Lest it manifest itself and become so.

To choose positivity and happiness is indeed a choice.  

One that the universe notices and pays attention to, I believe.

And of course, bad things happen all the time, that is life.  

But they can be less bad, or even have a positive outcome, if one chooses the path of lightness and goodness.

And so, if you have one of those people in your life, with a little grey cloud over their heads, show up with some sunshine.

Perhaps being irrepressibly positive and hopeful may help them to see that there is always a silver lining to that little grey cloud.

If only they open their hearts and minds to it.

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