Non. Exercise. Activity. Thermogenesis. That's my kind of health and weight maintenance plan. Essentially it means that you burn calories throughout the day just by puttering around. And I am the Queen of that! By simply getting up off the couch and straightening this, cleaning that, dusting the other, emptying the cat litter, feeding the bird, watering the plants, making the bed, toasting some bread, pouring a coffee, rearranging the pantry, reorganizing the office, decluttering the linen closet, vacuuming the living room, sweeping the floors, filling the outside bird feeder, pulling some weeds, etc. I could go on and on. I am sure you get the idea. By doing all of these things, we are keeping our metabolism revved up. We are burning calories. We are avoiding the gym. Yay! We no longer have to get hot and sweaty in a spin class. We can just keep our homes and gardens clean and tidy. ...
Featuring observations and humour that I find in the world around me. I have always loved creative writing and journalling. Those combined passions led to a 20+ year career in broadcast journalism. I now love to write for the fun of it - combining creative writing and journalling.